Incident Report

Share a Concern or Report an Incident

These reporting forms are for non-emergency reporting only. If any person may be in danger, call 911 immediately.

For urgent confidential support for sexual misconduct, gender-based violence, or other incidents, contact the 24-hour SAFEline at 336-278-3333.

Reports submitted through the links below are private and addressed by either the Title IX Coordinator or the Student Life Office. If you’d like to consult with someone about reporting a student-related concern, please contact the Student Life Office.

Based on the type of report, you may be contacted for additional information (if you provide your name or contact information). Though anonymous reports are permitted, doing so may limit the College's ability to investigate and/or respond.

Student Care Referral

To share a concern for another student's well-being (academic, social, financial, family, mental health, etc.), fill out the form below.

Student Conduct Incident Report

To share information regarding student behavior that may violate the Student Handbook. The Student Life Office is responsible for the initial review of these reports. For more information contact a member of the Student Life department.